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Zouk Bootcamp (Part 1)
10.06.2023 @ 15:30 - 19:30

We offer you 2 DAYS IN JUNE, where you can learn or improve your Brazilian Zouk Basics 
Tiago & Emilia join forces with LaDanza and we offer you 4 hour workshops on the 10th and 17th of June! Those two days will focus on two different main topics, but you get the optimal learning effect from doing both!

Tiago & Emilia join forces with LaDanza and we offer you 4 hour workshops on the 10th and 17th of June! Those two days will focus on two different main topics, but you get the optimal learning effect from doing both!

Please write us an E-mail including the following aspects to:

On the 10th we will talk about the linear dynamics of Zouk
And on 17th we will talk about the circular dynamic of Zouk
Both are for beginners with no knowledge or for dancers, that want to dive deep into their Zouk Basics and improve!
And on 17th we will talk about the circular dynamic of Zouk
Both are for beginners with no knowledge or for dancers, that want to dive deep into their Zouk Basics and improve!

We can’t wait to see you 

Visit our website or our YouTube for more Zouk Content
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